If you haven’t utilized Boom Cards for data collection and progress monitoring, you need to! There are so many digital apps you can use with your students, but most don’t keep records for formative assessment and data collection. My suggestion- do what so many teachers are doing (including myself) – use Boom Cards!
Effortless Data Collection
You can easily collect data and use the reports to progress monitor. Seeing the answer a student missed is awesome enough, but you also get to see the incorrect answer that was chosen! Voila…DATA. As a reading specialist, my days are all about data. D-A-T-A. Data drives my instruction and lets me know what skills I need to spend more time on. If a student is secure with a particular skill, I don’t want to waste precious instructional time re-teaching something I don’t need to.
Wait… Progress Monitoring is Fun?
Boom Cards are FUN! Kids absolutely love them. The cards make a sound to indicate if the answer is correct or not (don’t worry- sound can always be turned off or students can use headphones). The sky is the limit and there are so many topics and skills that can be taught using Boom Decks.
Can I buy Boom Cards on TpT? YES!
Your school can buy them at TpT Schools
When you purchase a Boom deck from Teachers Pay Teachers you receive a free 3 month membership. After 3 months you have a choice: purchase a membership for $9. That membership gives you $5 worth of points to buy extra Boom decks. (So it basically costs you $4 for a year.) If you don’t want to buy a membership, you can continue to use your decks. You just sign in using your “fast pin”. Each of your decks are stored in your library.